Light of September
Galeria do paço/cdc paço, u. minho, braga, 2022
© Photo credits: Joana Patrão
Light of September (2021-...)
Installation view: oil on canvas,, eight canvas, 120 x 200 cm each.
Light of September invokes painting to reflect on the representation of an idea of Love as a lasting event, as a performance in time.
The point of departure for this project is the state of incommunicability between two characters who love each other – a caring figure and one who needs care. In the limits of their interactions, the maintenance gestures towards their house become sublimated into declarations of love, of fidelity to a construction. Fiction is used as a tool to create a love event, which is manifested through this maintenance dialogue established between a body and the architecture of a house.
Through paintings that simultaneously invoke the scale and narrative aspirations of historical paintings, as well as the ambitions of magic behind the intimate and repetitive gesture of the ex-votive practice, Light of September reflects upon the tensions inherent to the representation of the love drama: how to translate its bond with time, its tenacity? How to represent Love as work, beyond the miracle of the encounter? How to transcribe the ritual of declarations inherent to the love commitment to a promise of eternity?
Light of September proposes Love as a kaleidoscopic house, where space and time get closer to infinity through the gestures of caring and through the futures that the body never ceases to repeat. In that sense, this exhibition is just the beginning of this project: from now on, every year, at least one more painting will be produced. One more wall for the house, one more gesture of fidelity to that construction. Until its possible.
Light of September was produced with the support of Garantir Cultura, a grant for artistic creation awarded by the Portuguese Republic, and in collaboration with Universidade do Minho, Rede Casas do Conhecimento, Appleton - Cultural Association, Parco archeologico di Pompei and Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico.
© Photo credits: Joana Patrão and Tiago Madaleno
Light of September (2021-...)
Exhibition views
© Photo credits: Joana Patrão and Tiago Madaleno
Light of September (2021-...)
Oil on canvas, eight canvas, 120 x 200 cm each.
Titles from order of appearance: 1) Interior, 2) Surface, 3) Wallpaper, 4) Door, 5) Window, 6) Tunnel, 7) Room, 8) Corner.
© Photo credits: Joana Patrão and Tiago Madaleno
Light of September (2021-...)
© Photo credits: Joana Patrão
Elevation (2022)
Oil on canvas, 31,6 x 45 cm
Concept: Tiago Madaleno.
Installation assistance: Joana Patrão and Bruno Dias - Galeria do Paço.
Institutional partner: Portuguese Republic (Garantir Cultura).
Other partners; Universidade do Minho, Rede Casas do Conhecimento, Appleton - Cultural Association, Parco archeologico di Pompei and Fondazione Giorgio e Isa de Chirico.
Special Thanks to: Prof. Dra. Joana Aguiar e Silva, Thays Cunha, Júlia Costa, Daniel Vieira da Silva, Marta Mestre, António de Castro Caeiro, Federica Polenta, Vera Appleton, Leonor Lloret, Joana Patrão, Adriana Romero, Inês Oliveira, Daniel Fonseca, Jorge Morgado, Paulo Madaleno, Fátima Madaleno and Graça Madaleno.

The outside of the hand (2022)
Live streaming reading performance | from 16 to 30 September 2022, starting at 21h30.
Revista Interact #37 - INDIVIDUAR A MEMÓRIA: PENSAR COM BERNARD STIEGLER, org. by Luís Lima and Alexandra Martins.
The outside of the hand stems from a fiction around a loving couple who is facing a crisis situation, a narrative that fueled the project Light of September (2021 - … ). Due to the illness of one of them, their comunication became increasingly difficult. As a form of reaction to this setback, the other element takes the role of a caretaker and persists in repeating the same everyday gestores, as if these were forms of maintenance, declarations of compromisse to the loving project.
The outside of the hand is a set of readings of the material that was discarded during the development of the 30 sonnets that would become the artist book Os Fogos da Casa [The Home Fires] (2022).
Far from the constraints imposed by the sonnet structure, this unedited text is composed of errors, doubts, annotations, erasures, loose words, rejected sketches, in an exposition of fragility that, at times, resembles a stream of consciousness. On one hand, it alludes to the moment when the character wrote the poems in the first time, to the work time involved in each one of them. On the other hand, through the cadence of reading and the persistence in its repetitions, the text and the physical gesture of saying it becomes a kind of mantra, a ritual of dedication, a daily prayer that the caring character offers to the beloved figure.
In a symbolic allusion to the title from which this project arises, these readings will only be accessible during the window frame of September, as if only with that gap of light could one peek the character in its daily routine, repeating them, thus opening up the intimate ritual to a public display.
From the launching of this edition of Interact Magazine, on the 16th of September, until the 30th September, every day, starting at 21h30, the body and its voice could be found carrying out their reading routine via live streaming. No caption nor recording was made and there will be no possibility of later accessing either the readings or the texts that originated them. The archive is dispensed for the need of being present. Or rather, in the absence of an external archive, its existence resides solely in the body of the character performing the text, as some oral experience.
Only the performance ensures the existence of the text. In this way, the text acquires a specific time to exist, to be heard. Being ephemeral is its inevitable condition. To recover it, the body only has to repeat itself, to disappear in this work, to be just a voice of a prayer, to persist, to find in these gestures the breath that allows to reinforce a commitment. Daily. I tis the body’s presence and its dedication to the task of reading that transforms this moment into a confidence, into a sharing of intimacy.