Title: Portugal Tour in a Gazebo
Dimensions: 23,3 x 41,3 cm
Concept: Tiago Madaleno
Text: Tiago Madaleno
Design: Tiago Madaleno
Printing: Norcópia
Print run: 104 copies
First edition: February 2020, printed in Portugal
Language: Portuguese
Color: RGB
Exhibition: TRABALHO CAPITAL # GREVE GERAL (2020), Centro de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira.
Portugal Tour in a Gazebo is a series of posters that were conceived for the street performance with the same name, to promote the project in each city. The poster has 13 variations, with different images from the graphic material produced since the early stages of the project, when it was named Dedicated to Natália de Andrade. Each poster has a promotional phrase allusive to the universe of amateur singing.
The posters were all shown at the collective exhibition TRABALHO CAPITAL # GREVE GERAL, a project by Paulo Mendes, at Centro de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira.
The design of the posters, made by Tiago Madaleno, uses the Opera-Lyric-Smooth font, Regular style, and Charlemagne Std font, Bold style. The series has 104 copies (8 for each variation) published for the collective exhibition TRABALHO CAPITAL # GREVE GERAL, at Centro de Arte Oliva, São João da Madeira.